Sample Transfer Request Letter on Spouse Ground / Relocation

HR Cabin

Nowadays both husband and wife are working, but it is always not possible to get a chance to work in the same location. Sometimes even though the husband and wife work in the same place, due to transfers in jobs one of them has to move to a new location.

If you are also one of them then you can request your employer to transfer to the same location where your spouse is working. For that you need to write a request letter to your employer.

How to Write an Application for Transfer on Spouse Ground

  1. Before writing the application make sure that your company has a vacancy or possibility to transfer you to the place where you want to go.
  2. Mention the reason why you want to get transferred.
  3. Keep your request letter simple and short.

Sample Transfer request letter on spouse ground

Format 1

Sub: Job transfer request to __________ branch.

I____________, have been working in ____________(company name) for the last 2 years. Me and my wife both are working professionals, but recently she was transferred to the _________________(place). Even though she tried to cancel the transfer but she didn’t get approval.

Hence our company has a branch in the same place I am requesting you to please relocate my job position to ____________ branch. It will reduce my financial burden.

I hope you fulfill my request and I would be really grateful to you in this regard.

Format 2

Address of the company.

Sub: Request letter for job transfer.

I _________, have been working in ____________ for the last 2 years. Recently I got married and my husband is working at _____________(company name), _________(place).

Hence we both are staying Two different places. It costs us more in terms of house rent, and other expenses.

So I am requesting you to please transfer me to our company’s ____________ branch. It would be a great help for my family.

I would be really grateful to you in the regard.

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