Morrow County, OHIO

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Court News

For information on language services provided by the court, please see the attached document here.

Please click here to view the 2023 Adult Guardianship Continuing Education registration form

All general business, including filings will be conducted at the public window.
The Probate Office is open to limited genealogical research. All parties wishing to do genealogical research are required to contact the Probate/Juvenile Clerks PRIOR to arriving to verify that the office will be open for research purposes.
If you have any questions, please contact Sheri Clever, Chief Deputy Clerk at or Gregory Thomas, Court Administrator at

Morrow County 4-H CARTEENS (Registration is REQUIRED!)

Schedule & Registration - 4-H CARTEENS | Morrow (
(Do Not Arrive Late) Session: 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Location: Ag Credit Building Conference Room
(South of the Fairgrounds)
5362 US Highway 42, Mt. Gilead, OH 43338
Drive around back to 2 nd floor entrance/conference room (unless noted below)
Cost per teen: $10 for Morrow County residents
$25 for Residents of other counties

Contact the Ohio Secretary of State -


CLERK OF COURT 419-947-2085



What Clothing Should I Wear to the Court?? (This includes Probation visits as well)
General Concerns
The Court does not require a coat and tie for men or dresses for women. The Court does require that clothing be appropriate to the setting. Court is a place of respect to be shown by those coming into the Courtroom. Clothing that is vulgar, indecent and fails to cover all portions of the body recognized in the general population to be covered, does not show the appropriate respect for all in the Courtroom, including the Judge and other parties. The standard for proper dress should be the same as what would be appropriate for a school function whether or not the person is a student or a parent. It should be clothing which does not draw inappropriate attention to oneself. Clothing should be neat and CLEAN. Failure to appear before the Court with appropriate clothing could result in a FINE.
Grooming and Personal Hygiene
Those entering a Courtroom are expected to have practiced good grooming and personal hygiene. Clothing perfume and aftershave should be applied in a limited manner. The Courtroom is also the appropriate place for civilized behavior. No rude, antagonistic, or insulting behavior will be permitted.
Unacceptable Clothing
1. Tight or revealing clothing;
2. Clothing that is low-cut or see through;
3. Clothing that exposes midriffs;
4. Spaghetti straps or backless clothing;
5. Skirts or dresses with high slits;
6. Miniskirts;
7. Sweat pants or exercise clothing;
8. Shorts, unless dress shorts. No short shorts or bathing suits and bathing suite attire is unacceptable;
9. No tube tops or halter tops;
10. No clothing that is excessively ripped or has holes or major tears. This applies to all clothing, including jeans, pants, shirts and suits.
11. Clothing that can be classified as pajamas/sleeping attire or slippers.

Local Model Parenting Time Rule
Parenting time is a time for children to do things with the parent they do not reside with. Activities you can do with them or skills you can teach them help the time be rewarding. Helping the children find friends in your neighborhood also helps make it like home for them.
Liberal parenting time arrangements are encouraged, as contact with both parents is important to the children. Specific items in the Journal Entry take precedence over this schedule. Changes or modifications can be made by the Court if need for such action is shown. This schedule does not affect support payments. The parties are encouraged to seek mediation prior to seeking assistance from the Court because mediation is less expensive and quicker. The parties are strongly encouraged to adopt a parenting schedule which allows both parents equal time with the child.
Please be advised that this schedule is merely a guideline for parenting time. Parents are encouraged to adopt a shared parenting plan whenever feasible. It is each party’s responsibility to tailor this schedule as necessary to meet the best interests of their children. The Ohio Supreme Court’s guide, “Planning for Parenting Time: Ohio’s Guide for Parent’s Living Apart” that contains guidelines for parenting schedules is a good resource for alternate arrangements that consider the age and the circumstance of a particular child. (See Parents are strongly encouraged to adopt a parenting time schedule that meets the needs of the child(ren) and parents involved.
In addition, the Court may modify the schedule contained herein dependent on the age of the child(ren). Shorter, more frequent periods of parenting time may be appropriate for infants and young children while parenting time for teenagers, approaching the age of majority, may be addressed with more flexibility.

  1. Weekends: Alternate weekends from Friday at 6:00 p.m. until Sunday at 6:00 p.m. This alternating weekend schedule shall not change, even if interrupted by holiday and birthday, summer and/or vacation parenting time.
  2. Weekdays: One weekday evening per week from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
  3. Extracurricular Activities: Regardless of where the children are living, their continued participation in extracurricular activities, school related or otherwise, shall continue uninterrupted. It shall be the responsibility of the parent with whom they are residing at the time of the activity to provide the physical and economic cost of transportation to these activities. The residential parent shall provide the parent who is not the residential parent with notice of all extracurricular activities, school related, or otherwise, in which the children participate, schedules of all extracurricular activities (handwritten by the residential parent if no formal schedule is provided by the activity) and the name of the activity leader (including address and telephone number if reasonably available to the residential parent). The non-residential parent may attend any extracurricular activities, whether or not school related.
  4. Pre-School Age Children: Pre-school age children follow the same schedule of school age children in the school district where they live regardless of whether or not other school age children live in the family.
  5. Holidays (other than Christmas) and Birthdays: In odd-numbered years, mother has Spring Break and Memorial Day. In odd-numbered years, father has Martin Luther King’s Day, Easter, Fourth of July, Thanksgiving In the even-numbered years, the schedules are reversed.
  6. In the event of a conflict between regular parenting time and holiday parenting time, holiday parenting time prevails. The alternating weekend parenting time shall be suspended as a consequence of the holiday schedule and shall recommence with the same rotation the first weekend immediately following. For example: If the weekend immediately preceding a holiday was mother’s weekend, the holiday weekend would be celebrated with the parent entitled to the holiday. The weekend rotation would recommence the weekend after the holiday as father’s weekend. This occurs even though one parent may have the children two weekends in a row.

For any holiday falling on a Monday or Friday, if the immediately preceding or following the holiday parenting time is spent with the same parent, there is no need for that parent to return the children that evening and then pick them up the next morning. For holidays falling on a Friday, parenting time commences Friday evening and continues to Monday evening.

  1. Mother’s Day and Father’s Day and the parent’s birthdays, only when they fall on a Saturday or Sunday, to be spent with the appropriate parent. These are as agreed. However, if the parties are unable to agree, parenting time will be from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., unless the parent’s birthday occurs on a school day. If the birthday occurs on a school day, parenting time will be from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. These do not have to be made up.
  2. The parties are encouraged to create a schedule that meets with their needs for major holidays with deference to family traditions. In the event that the parties cannot agree, the schedule listed below will be followed:
  3. Martin Luther King Day - 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
  4. Spring Break - 6:00 p.m. ON THE DAY school is out to 7:00 p.m. the day before school recommences, to be coincidental with the days of the school vacation and not to interfere with school.)
  5. Memorial Day and Labor Day - 6:00 p.m. Friday to 6:00 p.m. Monday
  6. July 4th - 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. the next day
  7. Thanksgiving -6:00 p.m. Wednesday to 6:00 p.m. Sunday
  8. Winter Break -To alternate between the parties on a yearly basis.

The Non-residential parent will have parenting time during the first half of the winter break in odd numbered years. The residential parent will have parenting time during the second half of winter break in odd numbered years. In even numbered years, the non-residential parent will have the second half of Winter break and the residential parent will have the first half of the winter break. (First half commences at 6:00 p.m. the last day of school before Winter Break begins, until December 25 at noon; Second half commences at noon December 25 until 1:00 p.m. the day before school recommences.)

  1. 48-hour notice should be given by the parent with whom the holiday is being spent for any arrangements for out of town travel on the holidays or of a change in pick-up/return times.
  2. The children’s birthdays should be alternated per child, between the parents and on an annual basis. Hours for parents who cannot agree are 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Brothers and sisters attend the birthday event. These do not have to be made up.
  3. Transportation: The parties shall divide the transportation equally. All persons transporting children must have a valid driver’s license and insurance. Either parent who is exercising their parenting time shall pick up the child. The parent should inform the other parent that another responsible adult will be picking up the child, if time permits.
  4. Waiting: Neither parent shall be more than 30 minutes late picking up the children. If the non-residential parent has not arrived to pick up the children within the 30 minute period, parenting time is forfeited and shall not be made up.
  5. Cancellation: The parent who is not the residential parent should give 24 hour notice to cancel. The time canceled by the parent who is not the residential parent is forfeited.
  6. Illness: If a child is ill, the residential parent should give 24 hour notice, if possible, so appropriate plans can be made. However, if more than one day of any weekend, holiday/birthday, or vacation is missed due to non-emergency the parenting time will be made up within 30 days from the date missed.
  7. Summer: The non-residential parent shall have parenting time with the children for the last half of the summer each year. The summer school vacation commences the day after the children are out of school and continues until seven (7) days before school begins. The number of intervening weeks (full and/or partial) shall be divided in half, and the non-residential parent shall have the last half of the summer vacation with the children.

During the summer parenting time with the non-residential parent, the residential parent receives weekday and alternating weekend parenting time as afforded the non-residential parent the rest of the year.

  1. Vacations: Each parent may arrange an uninterrupted vacation of not more than two weeks with the children. Each parent shall schedule this vacation during his/her half of the summer. A general itinerary of the vacation shall be provided for the other parent, including dates, locations, addresses, and telephone numbers. Holiday and birthday celebrations with either parent shall not be missed, requiring scheduling of the vacation around these events or that the missed occasion is made up. Alternate weekends are missed during vacation, and are therefore not required to be made up.
  2. Moving: Upon either parent learning that he/she will be moving, he/she shall immediately notify the other parent, and provide the other parent with the moving date, new residence address and telephone number, and such other pertinent information necessary to effectuate a smooth move for the children. The parents shall attempt, in good faith, to renegotiate an appropriate and beneficial new parenting time schedule.
  3. Telephone Access:
  4. As Between Parents: Telephone communication between the children with the parent with whom they are not residing shall occur not less than three (3) times per week for not less than fifteen (15) minutes. Children may call the other parent at reasonable times. Either parent shall be allowed to communicate with children not less than one time per week for not less than ½ hour by either calling or having the children call him/her. Possessory parent shall not interfere with or stop the telephone communication. Parents may provide child(ren) with cell phones to facilitate communication with the parent.
  5. Both parents will take reasonable measures to insure that communication with the child does not disrupt parenting time. If cell phones are provided by either parent to the child, the use of said phones should not be permitted to disrupt parenting time.
  6. At school, day care facilities, extracurricular activities, or all other public locations: Provision 13a., above, shall not in any way contravene the statutory directives granting equal access by both parents to their children at any and all times while the children are at school, at a day care facility, babysitter, attending extracurricular activities, etc.
  7. Make-up Parenting Time: Any make-up parenting time required by this schedule shall occur the first weekend of the other parent immediately following the missed parenting time and shall continue during the other parent’s weekends until made up in full, including partial weekends.
  8. Current Address and Telephone Number: Except as provided in the Court order, each parent shall keep the other informed of his/her current address and telephone number at all times.
  9. Emergency Contact: Both parents shall at all times, regardless of whether the children are with him/her, provide the other parent with a telephone number for contact in the event of an emergency.
  10. Car Seat: For any and all children required by law to ride in a car seat, the parents shall transfer the car seat with the child as parenting time exchanges occur.
  11. Clothing: The parents shall cooperate in the exchange of the children’s clothing prior to and following parenting time.



It has been brought to the attention of the Morrow County Court of Common Pleas that residents are receiving phone calls by people that are claiming to be Court employees. These people are stating that because they did not appear for Jury duty, they must pay a fine; the residents are then asked to provide their credit card information. Please note that the Morrow County Court of Common Pleas will NEVER request credit card information over the phone from residents. Should you receive such a phone call, it is recommended that you hang up and call your local law enforcement agency immediately.

Greg Thomas
Court Administrator
Morrow County Court of Common Pleas