STVR - Short-Term Vacation Rentals

The new and annual renewal STVR application fees are non-refundable:

  1. Non-refundable new STVR application fee $400.00
  2. Non-refundable annual renewal application fee $250.00

The City of Savannah defines a short-term vacation rental (STVR) as an accommodation for transient guests where, in exchange for compensation, a residential dwelling unit is provided for lodging for a period of time not to exceed 30 consecutive days. The short-term rental of a room within a dwelling unit is regulated separately as a “bed and breakfast homestay.” To operate legally within the city, STVR managers must complete an application process and secure a STVR certificate.

STVRs are permitted within the short-term vacation rental overlay district, which includes the Downtown, Victorian and Streetcar local historic districts. Outside of this overlay, they are only permitted in certain Business and Agriculture zoning classifications (B-C, B-N, B-L and A-1).

Within the Downtown and Victorian districts, new STVRs in residential areas (see figures 7.5-1 and 7.5-2) are subject to a cap of 20% of residential parcels within each ward , which is a historic division of the city roughly corresponding to a square with its surrounding blocks. Owner-occupied parcels are exempt from this cap. Applications filed before September 28, 2017 are “grandfathered” and can be renewed.

STVR Application Process - STVR Registration Portal. Per the recent announcement, the STVR application is only available through the STVR Registration Portal.

Rental Agent Change Form – STVR Registration Portal. Per the recent announcement, the Rental Agent Change Form is only available through the STVR Registration Portal.

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