UC Riverside Graduate Application

If you are interested in pursuing a Bachelor's degree we encourage you to visit the Undergraduate Admissions website.
If you are interested in applying to the Medical School, please visit the School of Medicine website.

If you have any general questions about the admission process or experience any technical issues while completing your application, contact the Graduate Admissions Office for assistance. Please include your full name as it appears on your application.

The Fall 2025 application will open for limited programs on September 1, 2024.

Graduate Program 2025-26 Application Opens A Graduate Program 2025-26 Application Opens
Accounting, Auditing and Assurance September 3, 2024 Evolution, Ecology and Organismal Biology TBD
Anthropology TBD Evolutionary Biology Joint Doctoral Program SDSU/UCR TBD
Applied Statistics (PHD only) TBD Experimental Choreography September 1, 2024
Art History September 1, 2024 Finance September 3, 2024
Astronomy TBD Genetics, Genomics and Bioinformatics September 8, 2024
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology September 3, 2024 History September 1, 2024
Bioengineering September 1, 2024 MBA September 3, 2024
Bioengineering BS + MS September 3, 2024 Materials Science and Engineering TBD
Biomedical Sciences TBD Mathematics TBD
Biophysics TBD Mathematics, Applied TBD
Business Administration Not Open for Fall 2025 Mechanical Engineering September 6, 2024
Business Analytics September 3, 2024 Mechanical Engineering BS + MS September 6, 2024
Cell, Molecular, and Developmental Biology TBD Microbiology September 3, 2024
Chemical and Environmental Engineering September 1, 2024 Microbiology BS + MS September 3, 2024
Chemical and Environmental Engineering BS + MS September 1, 2024 Multiple Subject - Credential Only September 16, 2024
Chemistry September 8, 2024 Music TBD
Comparative Literature September 3, 2024 Neuroscience TBD
Computational Data Science October 1, 2024 Philosophy September 1, 2024
Computer Engineering October 1, 2024 Physics TBD
Computer Engineering BS + MS October 1, 2024 Plant Biology September 1, 2024
Computer Science October 1, 2024 Plant Pathology September 3, 2024
Computer Science BS + MS October 1, 2024 Political Science TBD
Creative Writing & Writing for the Performing Arts (main campus) TBD Professional MBA September 3, 2024
Creative Writing & Writing for the Performing Arts (Palm Desert/Low Residency) TBD Psychology September 1, 2024
Critical Dance Studies September 1, 2024 Public Health TBD
Earth and Planetary Sciences September 8, 2024 Public Policy September 15, 2024
Economics September 3, 2024; MA will not open for 2025-26 Public Policy BA + MPP September 15, 2024
Education September 15, 2024 Religious Studies TBD
Education (General Education with Teaching Emphasis) September 16, 2024 Robotics October 1, 2024
Electrical Engineering September 1, 2024 Single Subject - Credential Only September 16, 2024
Electrical Engineering BS + MS September 3, 2024 Sociology Not Open for Fall 2025
English September 1, 2024 Southeast Asian Studies TBD
Entomology September 9, 2024 Spanish September 3, 2024
Entomology BS + MS September 9, 2024 Special Education Dual Credential - Credential Only September 16, 2024
Environmental Sciences September 8, 2024 Statistics (MS Only) TBD
Environmental Toxicology TBD Statistics BS + MS TBD
Ethnic Studies September 6, 2024 Visual Art September 1, 2024

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