How to Find Someone to Take Over Your Lease: 9 Key Steps

Do you need to end your lease early? Learn how to move out and avoid hefty fees by finding someone to take over your lease. Follow our guide to transfer responsibilities and leave your rental without costly penalties.

Nichole Stohler Last Updated March 28, 2024

How to Find Someone to Take Over Your Lease: 9 Key Steps

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Sometimes, things don't go as planned, and you need to move out of your apartment before your lease ends. However, breaking a lease can be pricey, as you'll likely have to pay penalties or forfeit your security deposit.

There is a way to avoid those costly fees, though — by finding someone to take over your lease. By transferring your lease to a new tenant, you can move out without having to pay early termination charges. This will also keep your landlord happy, because the apartment stays occupied.

In this article, we'll show you how to find a suitable replacement tenant to take over your rental so you can exit your lease without spending a fortune. Your landlord will appreciate you finding a qualified new renter, and you'll be free to start your next chapter without heavy fees weighing you down.

What is a lease takeover?

A lease takeover, also known as a lease assignment, is where you transfer your existing lease agreement to a new tenant. This means that the new tenant assumes all the rights, responsibilities, and obligations outlined in the original lease, including the rent amount, lease duration, and terms.

Lease takeovers differ from sublets, where you're still the main leaseholder and remain responsible for the rental.

Do you need a lease takeover?

Before assuming that finding someone to take over your lease is your only option, it's worth having an open conversation with your landlord. They might be willing to let you break the lease without the need for a formal lease transfer. Landlords understand that circumstances can change, and sometimes, it's in their best interest to let a tenant out of a lease early.

If your landlord is unwilling to let you break the lease without penalties, then exploring the option of finding someone to take over your lease becomes a more viable solution.

Finding someone to take over your apartment lease

Here's how to smoothly transfer your apartment lease:

1. Talk to your landlord

Check with your landlord first before considering finding someone to take over your lease. This is because every lease agreement is different, and they may have specific rules and requirements that you need to follow.

Some leases may prohibit transferring the lease, while others might have a detailed process you must go through to do so. Your landlord will likely want to screen and approve any potential new tenant themselves, just like they did with you when you first moved in.

They'll want to make sure this new person meets their criteria regarding income, credit score, rental history, and so on. Your landlord doesn't want to end up with a problematic tenant who doesn't pay rent on time or damages the property.

So, be upfront about your plans from the start, and follow whatever guidelines or procedures your landlord outlines. That way, you can avoid any misunderstandings or legal issues later on.

2. Start early and make a plan

Time is of the essence, so you'll want to start as soon as possible. Look at your lease to see if there are any notice periods you need to give your landlord before you can officially transfer or terminate the lease. From there, you can work backward and figure out when you should realistically start your search for someone to take over.

The rental market can be unpredictable, so it might take a few weeks, or even months, to find the right person. The more desirable your unit is in terms of location, amenities, and price, the easier it'll be to find an interested renter. But, don't bank on that happening — start looking early to be safe. A solid plan and timeline will help keep you organized and on track throughout the process.

3. Promote your rental unit

Once you've got approval from your landlord or property manager and a planned timeline, it's time to spread the word about your rental opportunity. Tap into your own personal and professional networks; you never know who might know someone looking for a new place. Send emails or texts letting your friends, family members, coworkers, and other connections know about the available unit. Word-of-mouth can be surprisingly powerful, so don't underestimate it.

You'll also want to cast a wider net by listing your rental on major online platforms and housing rental classifieds sites. These sites get a lot of traffic from people actively searching for places to live in specific areas, so it's a great way to get your unit in front of a targeted audience. Just be sure to include plenty of high-quality photos and highlight all the best features and amenities your place offers.

4. Advertise key features of your rental

Pointing out the best features will be key when you're trying to get potential tenants interested in taking over your lease. The unit itself is obviously important, but you'll also want to emphasize the advantages of the lease agreement.

Maybe you have a reasonable rent rate locked in, or your lease includes great perks like covered parking or gym access. Whatever the major selling points are, showcase them prominently in your listings and conversations with prospective tenants. You're not just finding someone to take over your place; you're selling them on the entire living experience.

5. Coordinate showings of the property

When people express interest in the apartment, coordinate a convenient time for them to see the property. Try to be as accommodating as you can so that potential tenants have the opportunity to view the space.

During these visits, give them the freedom to wander through the apartment at their leisure. Be on hand to answer questions, and make sure to emphasize the advantages of living in the unit.

6. Choosing potential candidates

Once inquiries start coming in, it's time to screen and vet potential candidates. This is important not just for your landlord's peace of mind but also for protecting your interests. You don't want to hand your lease over to just anyone.

Look out for any major red flags like a history of evictions, unpaid debts, or other records that could signal this person might become a problematic tenant. Make sure their income and employment situation meet whatever financial qualifications your landlord or lease agreement requires. Be upfront about your expectations, whether that's a specific credit score cutoff, income threshold, or an ability to move in by a specific date.

7. Provide details and information

When you've found someone to take over your lease, provide them with all the detailed information they'll need to make their decision. Share a copy of the lease agreement so they can review it carefully, including all the terms, rules, policies, and other details that they need to follow.

This should cover everything from the rent amount and due dates to policies regarding guests, pets, smoking, and noise levels. You'll also want to give them a clear picture of the current condition of the unit, including any existing damages, needed repairs, or maintenance issues. No one likes surprise problems, so lay it all out from the start. The more information they have from the beginning, the fewer misunderstandings you'll encounter later.

8. Handle the lease transfer

After finding a suitable candidate, it's time to finalize the lease transfer process. Depending on your location and the landlord's requirements, you may need to prepare a formal lease assignment agreement. This document will outline the transfer terms, including the effective date, rent amount, and any other relevant details.

Discuss and agree on handling the security deposit and any outstanding rent or fees during lease transfers. In some cases, the new tenant may need to provide a new security deposit, while in others, the existing deposit may transfer over.

Once all parties have reviewed and agreed to the transfer terms, submit the necessary documentation to your landlord for approval and execution. Follow their instructions and provide any additional information they require.

After receiving landlord approval, work with the new tenant to transition out of the apartment smoothly. Provide necessary documentation, keys, or access codes, and be available to answer questions or address concerns.

9. Finalize your move-out

With the lease officially transferred, the focus shifts to your move-out process. Arrange for a professional cleaning of the property to confirm it meets the standards in your rental contract.

Set up a final walkthrough with your landlord to check over the apartment. If meeting with your landlord isn't an option, make sure to take lots of photos and videos of the space. This way, you’ve got solid proof of how you left things, helping to avoid any mix-ups or disagreements about the property's condition when you move out.

How to get someone to take over your lease

Getting someone to take over your lease is a smart move if you're looking to dodge the hassles and costs that come with breaking your lease term early. Stick to the steps we've laid out, and you'll set yourself up for a smooth handover.

The key is keeping everyone in the loop, mapping out your plan clearly, and being clear about everything with all parties involved. This way, you make sure the handoff is clean and straightforward.

By putting these tips into action, you can exit your legal agreement with your landlord's permission and move into your next living situation with ease.

How do I find someone to take over my lease? FAQs

What is it called when someone takes over your lease?

When someone takes over your remaining lease obligations, it is called a lease assignment or lease transfer. The original tenant transfers their rights and responsibilities under the lease agreement to the new tenant.

How hard is it to find a replacement tenant?

Finding a replacement tenant can be hard in areas with high vacancy rates or during off-peak rental seasons. The time it takes to find someone for the remainder of your lease depends on the property's location, condition, and rental market demand.

Does breaking a lease hurt your credit?

Breaking a lease can hurt your credit if you fail to fulfill financial obligations outlined in the lease agreement, such as paying rent or penalties. Just ending a lease early will not directly impact your credit score unless there are outstanding debts associated with it.

Important Note: This post is for informational and educational purposes only. It should not be taken as legal, accounting, or tax advice, nor should it be used as a substitute for such services. Always consult your own legal, accounting, or tax counsel before taking any action based on this information.

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Nichole Stohler

Nichole co-founded Gateway Private Equity Group, with a history of investments in single-family and multi-family properties, and now a specialization in hotel real estate investments. She is also the creator of, a blog dedicated to real estate investing.

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