Part-time Fee Grant

The Part-time Fee Grant (PTFG) from SAAS can help with the cost of your tuition fees.

You must apply for PTFG each year.

You must apply to SAAS within six months of the start of your course.


To qualify for support, you will need to meet the SAAS eligibility criteria on:

Courses and qualifications

  1. You must be studying an eligible course of higher education or continuing professional development at levels 7-10 of Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF)
  2. You must be doing between 30-119 SCQF credits each year of your course. There are some courses where you can still apply for PTFG even if your total credits for the year is 120. You’ll find details of these courses in the FAQs.
  3. Your course must be at least four months long in each academic year.
  4. Only ACCA Fundamental level papers are eligible for PTFG funding. ACCA Professional level papers are not eligible for this funding.

Other funding

  1. If you are eligible to apply for the PTFG, SAAS will take into account any help you are getting from an employer towards the cost of fees before deciding how much they can pay.
  2. SAAS cannot give you any PTFG funding if you already receive support from another government training scheme, including Individual Learning Account (ILA), the Employability Fund and the Modern Apprenticeship scheme.
  3. If you are on a course that’s eligible for full-time support from SAAS then you will not be eligible to apply for the PTFG. This also includes those who are registered on a full-time course but attend on a part-time basis.

Course providers: GCU is approved and validated by SAAS.

Residence: You must meet the normal SAAS residence conditions to be eligible for the PTFG.